is peanut good or bad for health side effects of eating peanut

is peanut good or bad for health side effects of eating peanut

Peanuts contain many nutrients. If you eat peanuts instead of almonds, you get many benefits. Protein, carbs, fiber and fatty acids are found in abundance in peanuts. The body gets many benefits from it. At the same time, it can prove to be very harmful for some people.

Thyroid patients should not eat

A thyroid patient should not eat peanuts even by mistake. If you have hypothyroidism problem then you should not eat peanuts even by mistake. This may increase your problem. Peanuts work to increase the level of TSH. Due to which hypothyroidism increases. This can prove to be very harmful.

Liver problems may increase

People who have liver related problems should avoid eating peanuts. The elements present in peanuts can be very harmful for the liver. This has a bad effect on the liver. Eating too many peanuts can be very harmful to the digestive system. Due to which there may be complaint of indigestion.

stay away from allergies

Some people develop skin allergy after eating peanuts. That’s why such people are flatly refused. Eating peanuts causes difficulty in breathing, skin allergies and itching. Such people should avoid eating peanuts.

increases weight

Peanuts contain many nutrients. Due to which if you eat it in large quantities then your weight may increase. Such people should avoid eating too many peanuts. If you feel like eating, then eat it by adding sprouts to it.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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